You lift their gaze - they gain their voice. The lift that comes from sending girls to school.
Challenging centuries of tradition.
In many developing countries a young girl has her future mapped out for her. A girl could marry before she is 15 years old and then from that day on she would be fetching water, gathering wood, cleaning house, cooking food, and working on the farm.
A girl learns through empowering education that she is the equal to anyone, and that she has rights – the right to study, the right to play, the right to walk around freely, the right to be safe, the right to speak up for herself. Sending girls to school leads to greater literacy, higher wages, and more productive farming. It reduces premarital sex, lowers the chance of early marriage and delays first births. Mothers do a better job learning about nutrition, vaccinations and raising healthy children.They can lift their sense of self worth and change their future. – The Moment of Lift - Melinda Gates
Framed 33" x 45". Oil on cradled board